Lord's Landscaping, Inc.
Florists & Garden Centers
- 35577 Atlantic Ave. Millville DE 19967
- (302) 539-6119
- (302) 539-1170
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- Check out Lord's here!
Lord's Garden Center: M-TH 8-4 F&S 8-5 Sun 10-3
Lord's Mercantile: M-TH 10-4 F&S 10-5 Sun 10-3
Driving Directions:
We are located on Rt. 26 right after the Giant Grocery store on the right heading away from the beach, across from the Millville Fire Hall.
About Us
For 45+ years, Lord's Landscaping has been integral to southern Delaware's beaches, aiding their evolution into premier destinations. In 2022, Lord's Mercantile expanded our offerings, enriching coastal living. With divisions like Garden Center, Construction, and Maintenance, we cater to diverse landscaping needs. The 5-acre Ponderosa, with 16 greenhouses overseen by a full-time grower, ensures top-quality flora. From bespoke designs to maintenance programs, excellence is our commitment.
- Plants
- Gardening
- Home Decor
- Gifts
- Landscaping
Rep/Contact Info