
Notecards by Artist John Moll

Picture of Notecards by Artist John Moll
In celebration of Delaware turning 250 years, we are selling assorted bundles of notecards of various historical sites across Delaware by local artist, John Moll.
Bundles of notecards are available in 5 or 10 pack. Numerous historical sites in Delaware including Legislative Hall in Dover, Old State House in Dover, Old Courthouse in New Castle, The Strand in New Castle, Old Swedes Church in Wilmington, Barrott's Chapel in Fredericka, Old Town Hall in Wilmington, Old Academy and Immanuel Church in New Castle, and the Old Dutch House in New Castle.
Picture of Bundle of 5 Notecards
Bundle of 5 Notecards
A variety of notecards of historical sites in Delaware by artist, John Moll.
Picture of Bundle of 10 Notecards
Bundle of 10 Notecards
Assorted bundle of 10 notecards of various historical sites across Delaware by local artist, John Moll.
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