Frankford Fall Festival 2023
The Town of Frankford with assistance from local churches, the library, and the Frankford Volunteer Fire Company will sponsor their Annual Fall Festival and Costumer Contest on Saturday, October 21st! Like lsat year, all portions of the event will take place at the Town Park. Registration for the costume contest is at the park beginning at 11:00AM with judging at 11:30Am. A short parade around the park will also begin at 11:30AM. Come out for the costume contest or to enjoy fun games, hay wagon rides, food, and more from 11:00AM - 2:00PM!
Costume Contest
11:00 AM - Registration
11:30 AM - Parade Around the Park
Age Groups & Categories
Under 2 and 3-4:
- Funniest
- Most Original
- Best Princess/Prince
- Best Cartoon
- Scariest
- Most Original
- Most Realistic
- Funniest

Date and Time
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM EDT
Saturday, October 21, 2023
11:00 AM - 2:00PM
Costume Contest Registration: 11:00AM
Parade Around the Park: 11:30AM
Costume Contest Winners Announced: 12:15PM