River Soccer Club Spring Recreational Soccer
River Soccer Club Recreational program provides a fun opportunity for children of all ages and skill levels to participate in playing the 'world's game'. Register Today
Program Division Descriptions
TOPSoccer- TOPSoccer (The Outreach Program for Soccer) is a community based training and team placement program for young athletes with disabilities. TOPSoccer was formed to perpetuate the DYSA and US Youth Soccer mission statement which is in part "to foster the physical, mental, and emotional growth and development of Americas youth through the sport of soccer at all levels of age and competition. This program is open to any boy or girl ages 3-18 with special needs. Saturday mornings from 12:00pm-1:00pm.
Buddies- Each player is partnered up with on or more "Soccer Buddies". Players from the local school districts, as well as players from within the River Soccer Club volunteer as buddies for the program. Buddies are an essential part of our program! The dedicated volunteers teach their players the fundamentals of soccer and make sure the players are having FUN, FUN, FUN! To volunteer as a Soccer Buddy, please let us know!
U5 Hoppers Division- The program is a clinic based program lead by a trainer which includes fun games while skills are being developed. Parents are encouraged to participate. A size 3 ball is used.
U6 Kickers Division- The program is a clinic based program lead by a trainer which includes fun games while skills are being developed. Parents are encouraged to participate. A size 3 ball is used.
U8 Division- Team will have a 30 minute warm-up with skill training prior to the game. Games are coach assisted with one coach being on the field to provide direction to the team. The format for this group is 6v6. Scores and standings are not kept for the U8 division. A size 3 ball is used.
U10 Division- Team will have a 30 minute warm-up with skill training prior to the game. The games are not coach assisted, meaning that the coaches are not to be on the field for instruction. The format for this age group is 7v7. Scores and standings are kept for the U10 division. A size 4 ball will be used.
U12 & U15 Division- The team coach will provide skill training for the first thirty minutes after which games will begin. The games are not coach assisted, meaning that the coaches are not to be on the field for instruction. The format for this age group is 8v8. Scores and standings are kept for the U12 & U15 divisions.

Date and Time
Saturday Apr 20, 2024
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM EDT
League Duration: Saturdays: April 6 thru May 25, 2024
Games Times- Saturdays
- U8-U15 Boys Divisions: 10-11:30am
- U8-U15 Girls Divisions: 11:30-1pm
- U5 Hoppers: 10:00-11:00am
- U6 Kickers: 11:15-12:15pm
30 minutes prior to game time (Boys: 10-10:30 or Girls: 11:30-12:00)
River Soccer Club Complex
32221 Gum Road
Frankford, DE 19945
Registration Fee Schedule:
Registration Closes: 3/25/24 at midnight