2021 Coastal Sussex Career & Job Fair BUSINESS APPLICATION
The 2021 Coastal Sussex Career & Job Fair hosted by the Bethany-Fenwick Area Chamber of Commerce will be held virtually on April 14, 2021, from 7:00am to 7:00pm.
Whether your business is interested in recruiting for seasonal and part-time jobs, semi-retired or retired adults looking for part-time employment, or seeking full-time career opportunities in Coastal Sussex County Delaware. The 2021 Coastal Sussex Career & Job Fair seeks to connect job candidates interested in seasonal and part-time jobs, volunteer and internship opportunities, or full-time careers with the Coastal Sussex business community.
Businesses and non-profits who are hiring can participate by registering on-line. The cost to participate for Bethany-Fenwick Area Chamber of Commerce members is $50.00 , for non-member organizations the cost is $150.00.
What do participating businesses receive ?
- Virtual booth dedicated to your business/organization includes logo and listing on event site. (Logo provided by participant)
- Ability to post all open positions.
- Ability to accept on-line applications and resumes from jobseekers.
- Ability to “virtually staff” your booth during a predetermined time frame to video or text chat with candidates
- Training and support from BFACC staff and virtual job fair platform – Easy Virtual Fair
The Bethany-Fenwick Area Chamber will provide marketing via social media, print and radio advertising , as well a direct reach to local area high schools, community colleges and universities.
The last day for business registration is March 31, 2021.
Date and Time
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021 Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Wednesday April 14 , 2021
The cost for Bethany-Fenwick Area Chamber of Commerce members is $50.00, non-members can participate for $150.00.
Contact Information
Fred Thomas
Send Email